Evangelism is a vital link in the chain of grace and mercy that God extends to dying sinners. As God’s people, we are messengers proclaiming the good news of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, helping people into the body of Christ. Enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to be witnesses for Christ throughout the world. (Acts 1:8) We seek to obey God by lifting Him up so that He can draw souls unto Him. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Our aim is to obey the commission of Jesus and help turn seekers into believers, believers into disciples, and disciples into disciple-makers. We have found that the best way to teach others about Christ is by being a living example of righteousness. Love God and love all people. (Matthew 5:14-16) (John 8:31-32)

“…If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” (1st John 1:7). Our Church emphasizes fellowship among believers. Fellowship is characteristic of Christ-like people. Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one (John 17: 20 – 23). We must be united like the early church (Acts 2:46,47). Fellowship helps us to receive and enjoy the blessings of God.
All worship must be directed toward God. (Matt.: 4:10). The worship of God must be in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:23,24). Unity among God’s people is essential to their worship (Ps. 133).
Our services provide opportunities for believers to worship God and joyfully celebrate the goodness of the Lord in their lives, while enjoy the blessings of fellowship.
Psalm 34: 3 “O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together”